You’re Welcome Here. 

Our guests are the most important people in our church. All are welcome and we want you to feel right at home here. These are a few tips that may be helpful. 

During the week, you will likely encounter some locked doors. This is to protect the young children on our campus. The glass doors on the north side of the sanctuary are the primary entrance to the church on weekdays. Please ring the doorbell on the brick wall next to the doors and someone will be right there. 

The church office and restrooms are located down the glass hallway just outside the front right doors of the sanctuary. 

Please reach out to ushers, any of our staff, or anyone in our congregation if you have questions. We are so glad you are here! 

Click or Scan QR Code below to share your information with us, so we can welcome you.

Welcome to FIRSTNac!

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